ToCoo! Difference between “Member” and “Guest”

ToCoo! Website actually has two reservation methods:
ToCoo! Member reservation and Guest reservation.
You can make a reservation without registering as a ToCoo! Member!

After a reservation is confirmed, there are some differences between Members and Guests in ToCoo!, such as how log in for cheking your reservation, how to confirm reservations, and so on in TOCoo!. Ladies and gentlemen, please refer to it!

Just for Remind:
Please do not worry, you can make a reservation without registering as a ToCoo! Member!

Registration method of ToCoo! Member
What is Guest Reservation?
[For Guest] Where can I check the reservation details after making a reservation?
[ For ToCoo! Member ] Where can I check the reservation details after making a reservation?

Registration method of ToCoo! Member

From the top page of ToCoo! Website, please press the “New Account” button on the upper right.

Then, you can see “Create New Account” page will appear as shown in the image below.
Please fill in the details, confirm the Agreement, and press the red button, “Create New Account”.

After submitting the application, You will receive a verification e-mail from ToCoo!. Please check the verification e-mail within 24 hours and follow the steps to log in.
Then, you can make a reservation on the ToCoo! website as a ToCoo! Member.

What is Guest Reservation?

Guest Reservation is the rental car reservation that make a reservation for a rental car on the ToCoo site without registering as a ToCoo! Member.

Whether you are a Guest or a ToCoo! Member, the rental frame, price, plan and options are the same.

[For Guest] Where can I check the reservation details after making a reservation?

After the reservation is confirmed, a reservation confirmation email will be sent to you with your guest account. You can check the guest account at the reservation confirmation email.

After submitting the reservation, You will receive a Reservation Confirmation email from ToCoo!. Please make sure to check your email box after making your reservation. If you do not receive an email, it is possible that you entered the wrong email address when filling out the customer reservation form.

After making a reservation, you will receive a [ToCoo!] Reservation Confirmation email. If you can not find the email, please submit an inquiry with ToCoo’s Inquiry Form.

Please note that the Guest-only account will be send with the [ToCoo!] Reservation Confirmation (at the bottom of the email), so please check it.

Log-in Page

(Example)Account for Guest-only

Reservation Number: TC-999999-999999
・Password: aabbccdd

The example of above is the login information for Guest-only account. So please be sure to log-in at the Guest field (on the right side of the login page).

[For ToCoo! Member] Where can I check the reservation details after making a reservation?

After submitting the reservation, you will receive a Reservation Confirmation email from ToCoo!. Please make sure to check your email box after making your reservation. If you can not find the email, please submit an inquiry with ToCoo’s Inquiry Form.

As a ToCoo! Member, you can check your reservation information at the My Page after a reservation is confirmed.

If you log in as a ToCoo! Member and press “the green man icon” on the top right of ToCoo’s top page, you will find “My Reservation”. You can check your pending reservations by entering the “My Reservation” page.


  • You can make a reservation without registering ToCoo! Member.
  • Whether you are a Guest or a ToCoo! Member, the rental frame, price, plan and options are same.
  Guest ToCoo! Member
Resercation Conformation Email
Account Registration
Account Issue (with runtime password)
My Page
Reservation History

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About how to make a reservation This article will solve it!

Have you ever had a problem with the Want to rent a car but don’t know where to start? Found a car you want to rent and want to add options to reserve but don’t know where to add?
This article is for customers who are having trouble booking And We will tell you for renting a car on the ToCoo! website!
Please read to the end and refer to it when making a reservation~

Table of Contents
1.How to search
-Search procedure
2.Plan description
3.How to make a Reservation
-How to add Tocoo! option

First, let’s learn from 1. [How to search]!

When you enter the ToCoo! website, the screen below will be displayed.

When you see this screen, select the date/location/car you want to reserve and search for rental cars that you can rent.
As an example of this search, we will search with the following reservation details.
・Pick up/Return date:Apr 16, 2025
・Pick up/Return area:New-Chitose Airport
・Car Class:Mini-van

If you enter the above search contents, the following screen will be displayed.

The search procedure is below.
1.Select the date/time you want to pick up car in the【Pick up】field. For example, select Apr 16, 2025

2.Select the place where you want to pick up car at【Pick up】field An example would be New Chitose Airport. So, select “New Chitose Airport” in the【Airport】field.
If you want to pick up car at another airport outlet, please search for the airport name and select it.
If you want to ride in a place other than the airport outlet, click on【One-way】and select【prefecture】and【Area】

3.Select the date/time you want to return car in the【Drop-off】field. For example, select Apr 16, 2025

4.Select the place where you want to return car at【Drop-off】field.
If you want to return the car at the same place as the pick-up place, please click【Return】
If you want to return the car at an airport outlet, click【Airport】, search for the name of the airport you want to return to, and select it.
If you want to return the car to a place different from the pick-up place, click on【One-way】and select【prefecture】and【Area】

5.Please select【Car Class】in【Add More details】 For example, select a minivan.

6.If there is an option you want, select the option you want in the【Options】field.
>To get more search results, you don’t have to select.
There are currently no selections for snow tire options on our site. If you want it, please contact us after booking.

7.If there is a plan you want, please select the plan you want in the【Choose Plan】field. Please check【2. Plan description】for each plan description.
>To get more search results, you can search with【All Plans】as is.

8.After selecting search conditions, click【Search】

After searching with the above procedure, the search results screen will be displayed.

If you search with the desired conditions and the following screen is displayed, there are two possible things to consider.
①It is thought that there is no car inventory.
②It is possible that the period you want to reserve is not yet available for reservation.
The description is below.

If your desired car return date is not within 6 months of today’s date, no cars will be available.
You will be able to book if the rental car return date is within 6 months of today’s date.
For example, if you want to make a reservation on August, you will be able to make the reservation from March

Get to know our website plans!
【Plan description】

The plans listed in the【Choose Plan】section are as follows.
・Nissan Full Coverage Plan
・Early Bird Pay Now Plan
・Car Model Specify Plan
・Full Coverage Plan
・ToCoo! Japan Traveler Support Plan
・Snow Tire Plan

However, there are 3 main plans that you can choose from on our site.

・Nissan Full Coverage Plan
This plan is a plan that includes compensation.
Please see the following URL for more information.

・Early Bird Pay Now Plan
This plan is a plan that if you book before 45 90 120 before the car pick up date, you can get a maximum 15% discount on rental fees.
And cancellation charge is incurred immediately just after the reservation is confirmed. The cancellation policy of Early Bird Pay Now Plan is different from the others. Please be sure to note it beforehand.

・ToCoo! Japan Traveler Support Plan
This plan is a plan with insurance provided.
Please see the following URL for more information.

The following plans can be selected during the winter season.

・Snow Tire Plan
This is a plan with snow tires included in the plan.
This plan is available in winter, but not in all regions. Most of the regions are mainly Hokkaido and Tohoku region.
If you can’t find this plan and want snow tires, please contact us after booking.

Once the search results are displayed, select your favorite car/plan. Then, let’s proceed to [ Reservation ]!
Here is the progress of [How to make a Reservation].

First, select the Plan you like, and then please click [Book Now].

After clicking [Book Now], the following screen will be displayed.
On this screen ([1.Car Info]), you can add options which are from car rental outlet. (e.g. child seat, compensation coverage)
If you want to add car rental outlet options, please click [Add] which is placed right side of the option that you want to add. If you don’t want to add it, click [Remove].
For example, we are added a child seat option in this image.
* In this screen, Prices displayed that tax is exincluded *

After finishing ro add any options, click [Next] to go to the next page.

After clicking [Next], the below screen ([2.Details]) will be displayed.
This page has list for fill out information of [Reservation Details], [Customer Information], and [Payment Details].
Please enter the required information according to the instructions.
* In this screen, Prices displayed that tax is included *
*There are two payment methods. ①Pay in advance by credit card and ②Pay when you pick up the car.
However, since the payment methods that are available at each car rental store are different, some stores only have ①Pay in advance by credit card OR ②Pay when you pick up the car.
If you can select the payment method, the options for [Pay when you pick up the car] and [Pay in advance by credit card] will be displayed under [Payment Method].
If it cannot be selected, it will be displayed as shown in the picture below.

*About ToCoo! option
Please check the [- How to add Tocoo! option] part for adding ToCoo! Option.
If you need Tocoo! option, please add it when you make a reservation.
Tocoo! option cannot be added after a reservation is confirmed.
If you want to add Tocoo! option after a reservation is confirmed, cancellation and re-book is required.

When you finish to fill out【2.Details】of Reservation Steps, clickConfirmfor the next page.

When you click【Confirm】【3.Confirm】will be displayed.

You can check the reservation information at【3.Confirm】If you finish to check, please click confirmed.
※Reservations have not yet been completed on this page.

If you finished to information of reservation, please go to【4.Finish】
When this page is displayed, the reservation will be completed.

After the reservation is confirmed, ToCoo! will send you an email of [[ToCoo!] Reservation Confirmation].
You can check the reservation details and notes in this e-mail.

Or you can check the reservation on following URL.

Please log in using the email and password you registered when you made your account on the ToCoo! Member login page.
Guests (Non-members)
Please log in using the reservation number and password from your 【ToCoo!】 Reservation Confirmation email.

Forgot your password?

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us using the inquiry form. (English available)

-How to add Tocoo! option
You can addToCoo! Optionsfrom [Customer Information] which is placed in Reservation steps of [2.Details].
If you want to add ToCoo! option, click the name of that option.
Example: In the photo below, we click [ETC card rental]. Then you can see check mark will appear.
Do not click any option that you do not want to add.

※If you book a car via ToCoo, T.A.S. is mandatory for your booking (there are no exceptions). T.A.S. provides coverage for NOC (non-operation charge) and towing fees.
※Adding ETC card option is available *only 10 days before the pick up date

If you select the ETC card option, the [Pickup Location] item will be displayed

※If you select the ETC card option, the destination of the option will automatically be [ Airport Convenience store/Post Offices in/nearby the Airport ] .

ETC card parcel pick up location will automatically be
* The designated convenience stores/Post Offices in/nearby the Airport

We regret to inform you that we are not able to offer delivery to a rental car outlet.
Car rental outlets do not receive the parcel including ETC card ,since it is a valuable item.
They do not take any responsibility to receive/keep a valuable item.

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Get the tips to search the best car rental outlet on ToCoo!

  • Which outlet is the nearest outlet to my hotel?
  • Difficult to book due to not knowing much about Japanese prefectures.
  • Want to return the car to a different outlet than the pick up outlet.How is it possible?
  • Which outlet is the nearest outlet to the Theme Park?

Have you had any problems like aboves when you book a car rental?

Hi! Let us introduce the tips to find your best car rental outlet by using ToCoo! SEARCH System.
Hope these tips help you much to find your most convenient outlet.


1. How to use ToCoo! SEARCH System.
 a. Filter Search
 b. Keywords Search
2. What is Drop Off?
 a. How to book with Drop Off option
3. Outlets frequently searched
 a. Nagoya Station
 b. Nearest outlet to Tokyo Disney Resor
 c. Nearest outlet to Universal Studio Japan

How to use ToCoo! SEARCH System.

On the TOP page of ToCoo! website, you can search cars and outlets by inputting the requirements in the columns of “Find car deals”.
There are 2 ways to search, “Filter Search” and “Keyword Search”

a. Filter Search

You can set the pick up outlet from “Airport”s or “Area”s.
When you choose “Airport”, all airports ToCoo! offers outlets throughout Japan are shown in the Pull-down menu.
When you choose “Area”, the prefecture can be chosen on the Pull-down menu, then the district/area can be chosen.

Difficult to find my convenient outlet, since I do not know the prefectures of Japan. What should I do?

No worries! We offer you “Keyword Search” to find the outlet by a keyword. Let’s check the following!

b.Keyword Search

If you give a check on “Keyword Search” like the image below, the search method will be changed.

Let us explain how to use it!

①Please input the keyword of the LOCATION.

②Please choose the preferred location from the shown suggestions. (Choosing from the suggestions is necessary. Unless you choose the one from them, the result can not be shown)
Please contact ToCoo!, in case your preferred location is not shown.(There might be no outlet in that area)

This time, we told you How to use ToCoo! SEARCh System.
Hope this can help you to find the best outlet.

2. What is Drop Off?

Drop off option is the option to be able to return the car to a different outlet than the pick up outlet.

Please notes that there are outlets that do not accept drop off cars from different outlets.

a. How to add Drop Off option

You should add the Drop Off option beforehand in case you would like to drop off a car to the different outlet.

Once a reservation is confirmed, any alteration can not be made. If you would like to add the Drop Off option after the reservation is confirmed, please cancel the reservation and re-book with the option.

In case of searching via “Filter Search”
Please UNCHECK “Same as pick up”, and choose “Airport” or “Area”.
And choose the preferred one from the suggestions.

In case of searching via “Keyword Search”
Please check “Return to different outlet” and input the preferred location name, then choose the one from the suggestions.
(Choosing from the suggestions is necessary. Unless you choose the one from them, the result can not be shown)
In case there is no result, it means there is no outlet accepting the Drop Off option. Please try with the other area to drop off.

Frequently searched outlets

Here is the list of the outlets frequently searched and inquired to ToCoo! Customer Support Team.

a. Nearest outlet to Tokyo Disney Resort

Chiba Prefecture, Urayasu area is the nearby area.
Please search by “prefecture” as Chiba and “Area” as Urayasu under “Filter Search”.

Nippon Rental Car Urayasu
3 minutes walking to Urayasu Station

Toyota Rent a Car Urayasu Yanagidori
12 minutes walking to Urayasu Station

b. Nearest outlet to Universal Studio Japan

Unfortunately, there is no outlet nearby USJ, though USJ is located in Fukushima-u, Osaka.
Even at the nearest outlet, you should change trains to access USJ from the outlet.

NIPPON Rent A Car Bentenchō Station
It is approximately 37 minutes by changing trains to USJ.

Taking Osaka Circle Line(Kanjo-sen) at JR Bentencho Station->Change to JR Yumesaki Line at Nishi Kujo Station->USJ Station

c. Nagoya Station

Please search by “prefecture” as Aichi and “Area” as Nagoya(Nagoya Station) under “Filter Search”.

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Being Prepared for a Natural Disaster in Japan

When you are driving in Japan, do you know what to do if there’s an earthquake or sudden heavy rain?

Here are some tips to keep in mind when driving in Japan in order to be prepared in case of a natural disaster.

1. Earthquake

■ If an earthquake happens when you’re driving
If an earthquake starts while you’re driving, turn on the hazard/emergency lights and check the condition of nearby cars and pedestrians, then move your car to the shoulder and stop.
If you brake suddenly, you could get hit from behind, so gradually reduce your speed before stopping if possible.
Please wait in the car without getting out until the earthquake subsides, then check the earthquake information, damage, etc, from your mobile phone or app.

■ If you get out of the car and evacuate
If there is a tsunami warning issued or the road is damaged and you cannot continue, turn off the engine, close the windows, leave the car key in the ignition and do NOT lock the doors, and proceed to safety.
When you leave the key in the ignition, emergency personnel will be able to move the car if it’s blocking emergency vehicles.

■ When evacuating with the car
It’s very dangerous to move the car when there is an earthquake because there might be congestion, damage to the road, or debris blocking the way. Therefore, please stop the car in a safe place and walk to evacuate.
If there are no buildings nearby and you must evacuate by car, drive very carefully and pay close attention to road conditions because traffic lights and signals may no longer be operational due to power failures.

2. Sudden Heavy Rain

■ If you encounter heavy rain while driving
If it’s raining very hard, stop driving and park in a safe place and wait for the rain to stop.

■ Avoid underpasses
Underpasses are made by digging down from the surrounding road, such as underground roads passing under railways or highways.
During heavy rain, underpasses are dangerous because they can be easily flooded by several meters of water. During heavy rainfall, never attempt to drive into a flooded area.

■ “I think I can make it” driving is extremely dangerous
It’s extremely dangerous to think that you can drive through flooded roads, even if you think it’s shallow. Even a small amount of water can sweep away a car.
If you do drive into a flooded area, it’s possible that cars in front of you will become unable to move and the water level will increase, meaning that you will be stuck.
Avoid driving through any area that has standing water.

3. Heavy Snow

■ If you get stuck on a snow road
If your tires slip on fresh slow and you get stuck, slowly move the car back and forth to stiffen the snow around the tires.
If there’s a sand box on the side of the road, sprinkle some sand around the drive wheel.

■ If you can’t move because of heavy snow
In whiteout conditions such as snowstorms, please turn on the hazard/emergency lights and and safely stop the vehicle.
Since the exhaust pipe might become blocked by snow, there is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, so please remove the snow from the exhaust pipe while you’re waiting for assistance.

4. If Water Gets Into The Car

It’s important to stay calm even if the car engine stops in a flooded area and water gets into the car.
First, remove the seatbelt, open the door, and evacuate. If the water is too high and the door won’t open, evacuate from the window. If the window won’t open, break the side window and evacuate (don’t try to break the sturdy windshield glass).

5. Car Fire

If a fire breaks out while driving, turn on the hazard lights to notify the cars around you that an emergency has occurred.
Next, stop the car on the side of the road and call the 119 emergency phone number from your mobile phone. If you can, try to extinguish the fire as long as you are not exposing yourself to danger.
Depending on the strength of the fire, you may be able to extinguish the flame by choking it with a jacket or water.

6. Safety Information Card – Useful Tool for Tourists Visiting Japan

This tool from the Japan Tourism Agency summarizes information about disaster preparedness, including useful websites and apps, so that tourists can enjoy a safe trip with peace of mind, even in case of a natural disaster. Please use it by all means.

Safety Information Card – 観光庁

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ToCoo! Affliate Partners Wanted

Introduce ToCoo! Car Rental on your site!
ToCoo! Car Rental is looking for affiliate partners to introduce our rental car reservation service on your site.
It’s totally free to become an affiliate partner, so you can earn commission without any risks. Please take this opportunity to participate!
*In addition, there is a limit on the number of partners for each target country in order to protect current contract partners, so there may be cases where registration is refused. If you are interested, please submit your application as soon as possible.

1. Please put a link to ToCoo! on your site.
2. Users access ToCoo! from your site via the link and book a rental car.
3. We will pay you the affiliate fee according to the reservation amount.

■About the Affiliate Program
1) Participation requirements
The following websites cannot participate.
・ Adult-only/Pornographic websites
・ Organized crime websites
・ Sites infringing on portrait rights and copyright
・ Sites that mislead visitors to our official site or that have such risks
・ Other sites that do not meet our standards

2) Participation Fee
Participation is totally free.

3) About Affiliate Commission
The basic affiliate fee is 3% of the basic rental fee.
The actual amount will be finalized after the rental car is used.
The affiliate fee will be paid according to the reservation amount.
Compensation coverage fee, option fees, drop-off fees and T.A.S. are excluded from the commission amount.
In some cases, the commission amount may be increased depending the size of the site.

Example: 30 reservations per month
Basic rental car fee: 9,000 yen/day (average)
Usage days: 5 days (average 5.2 days)
Commission: 9,000 yen × 5 days × 3% = 1,350 yen per reservation × 30 reservations = 40,500 yen per month

4) Commission Amount
We will pay the commission fee when the total commission amount exceeds 2,000 yen.
Example: if the monthly total for January’s reservations is 6,000 yen, the total 6,000 yen will be paid in February.
Example: if the monthly total for February is 1,000 yen and the monthly total for March is 3,000 yen, we will pay 4,000 yen in April.

5) Payment Method
We will remit the money to you via direct bank transfer.
If you use to use a different payment method, we will discuss it separately by email correspondance.

■How to Apply

Please submit your application from the following link.

We will contact you within a few days of submitting your application.

If you have any questions, please contact us via the Inquiry Form on our website.

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