Setsubun, or “節分” in Japanese, means the parting of the seasons. Every time the season changes, it’s called Setsubun, but the new year starts in spring according to the lunar calendar, so the most important Setsbun is in spring. It’s said that evil comes out at the turn of the season, so it’s very important to protect against it with a new milestone every year.
This year, Setsubun will be celebrated on Sunday, February 3, 2019. So, what do you actually do for Setsubun?
1. Bean throwing
On Setsubun, we throw beans while saying “Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi,” which means “Devils are outside, luck is inside.” This tradition is called “mame maki,” where “mame” means beans (think edamame) and “maki” means throw. When you do mame maki, you are driving evil out of the house and attracting good luck into the house. Sometimes, the father of the house will dress up as the devil and children will throw their beans at him!
After you finish throwing the beans, you also have to eat some – but not off the ground! You have to eat as many beans as your age so you will get good luck and good health in the coming year.
2. Ehomaki (恵方巻)
You have to eat ehomaki during Setsubun to get good luck, too! Ehomaki means “lucky direction” sushi, and it must have at least 7 ingredients of different colors. This is because you must eat ehomaki while facing this year’s lucky direction, and you are not allowed to speak until you have finished eating the whole roll. You have to stay silent and make your wish for the new year, because luck will escape if you talk. By the way, the lucky direction this year is east by northeast! There are also some people who believe that you should close your eyes while eating, and there are even some who believe you’ll get the best luck if you laugh while eating! During Setsubun season, you can buy ehomaki at convenience stores, supermarkets, and fancy department stores too, so try it out! There are some very interesting flavors, such as all seafood ehomaki and even tonkatsu ehomaki!
3. Decorations
To protect your house, there are some people who put the heads of sardines and decorations of holly on the entrance of their homes so that demons won’t gather. If you say this outside someone’s house, you might be disinclined to go in, too!
4. Summary
Customs and traditions vary depending on the region, but Setsubun is an event where parents can become demons, children can throw beans with delight, and the whole family can play and eat together. If you come to Japan during Setsubun, why not try experiencing the unique mame maki and ehomaki?
In Japan, the time period of January is called “o-shou-ga-tsu, Oshougatsu in Japan is an event for the family, much like Chinese New Year. Most Japanese people will be at home with their families come together to celebrate the New Year.
The o-souji ritual used to start on December. It has a practical and a spiritual significance. This major house cleaning is thought as a ritual to give a pleasant welcome to God on New Year’s Day.They will associate a big annual clean with spring, in Japan it’s done in the last days of the year – pretty much everywhere. Homes, schools and offices all get a thorough going over that creates a clean slate for the year ahead.
■New Year’s Decorations
After finish the house cleaning, it will start to decorate their houses with special decorations on December 28th and 30th. Please be carefully they would not do it on December 29th because that is apparently also not a good day to put up decorations because the number nine has the same sound as “suffer” (ku 苦) in Japanese, so it is also considered to be bad luck.
Let’s get to know the different Japanese new year decorations!
Kadomatsu are placed in pairs in front of the gate or front doors of homes to welcome the Shinto gods.
Shimekazari will put it on top of the house entrance to prevent bad spirits from entering and to invite the Shinto deity, to descend and visit.
A round rice-cake
Japanese people will and place these at very visible places around their homes for decoration. Placing them in different rooms is said to bring more luck, as each room will welcome Shinto gods come and stay.
■nengajo (New Year’s cards)
People say ”あけましておめでとうございます(akemashite omedetou (gozaimasu)” which is meaning congratulations on the new year. They will send New Year’s cards called ”nengajo ”to their family or someone treated well by. Although with the growth of the Internet and cell phones, the number of people who send nengajo is decreasing yearly, The receiver can know your feeling during you hand writing. However, do not send the New Year’s cards to anyone who has had a death in the family during the year.
■Huge bellbsound and toshikoshi soba” (year-crossing soba)
New Year’s Eve is called “Oomisoka” in Japanese. At Buddhist temples, huge bells are hit 108 times during midnight to get rid of all evil desires. Most people believe that huge bells are hit 108 times during midnight to get rid of all evil desires. So that we will eat the “toshikoshi soba” when we hearing the huge bells sounds and wish for a long lasting life. You can still listen the huge bells sounds even while you’re staying at home because you can see it at the TV shows.
■Events and customs
The first sunrise
It is an event to worship the first sun rising on New Year’s Day, which is the beginning of the year since it is believed that the Shinto gods of the year appear with the first sunrise. So, people pray for good luck when the first sun rises.
First visiting to the Shrine
At the beginning of the year, people go to the shrine and pray for the safety and happiness of the new year. Some people leave their home to visit the shrine on the night of the 31st, or at the midnight, and some people just go there in the morning on January 1st or afternoon. Shrines are very crowded at this time of year. The money which you can put into the wooden box for good luck is well known as the more money you put into it, the more luck you will get. On the other hands, some people believe if you put 5 Yen, it is super lucky. Since the pronunciation of 5 Yen which is ‘go en’ sounds similar to the word ‘ご縁(go en)’ which means luck.
Osechi dish
It is a celebration meal that Japanese people have between January 1st and 3rd. Japanese people believe that Osechi dishes bring good luck in the sense of celebration. It is filled with grilled, boiled and pickled foods in a multitiered Japanese food box. It is made up of dishes which couldbepreserved longer time so that it can allow housewives who are busy with cooking take a rest around some days at the New Year.
Originally, this began with the custom to give some left over rice cakes to children. but today it has become an event for adults to give money to children. It’s a small bag of money that children receive from their parents, grandfathers, grandmothers and relatives.
You should eat Kagami-mochi which were offered to the Shinto gods after some days from the New Year day! People cut this rice cakes and put them into some red bean soup or Ozoni which is Dashi soup(Soup types and other ingredients might be changed up to the location.). They eat this praying for keeping good health of the new year. People eat this mostly on January 11th or 20th.
Every December brings the season to celebrate Christmas around the world, and Japan is no exception. Christmas in Japan has many unique characteristics as part of Japan’s culture. This time we would like to introduce to you how Japanese people celebrate Christmas.
Fried chicken and Christmas cake
Who to celebrate with
Ending the 25th night
Fried Chicken and Christmas Cake
In the United States and elsewhere, Christmas dinner is a roast turkey or ham, but the dish most associated with Christmas in Japan is fried chicken. Since turkey is difficult to find in Japan, it was replaced with chicken instead. Demand for fried chicken in Christmas season in Japan is very high, with fast food chains such as Kentucky Fried Chicken and butcher shops accepting reservation as soon as December 1st. As Christmas draws nearer, fried chicken and roast chicken will be sold at convenience and grocery stores, so you will be able to see the unique Christmas atmosphere.
It is said that eating cake at Christmas is a staple for Japanese people. To produce a sense of Christmas, it is a common practice to arrange fruits and decorate it with Santa and other motifs. Incidentally, on the night of December 25, many cake shops will be selling their goods for half-price, so if you want to enjoy a more cost-effective Christmas, please time your shopping as such!
The origin of Christmas cake in Japan began with a campaign in 1922 when cake manufacturer Fujiya started selling a cake decorated with cream with the catch phrase “Let’s eat cake at Christmas!” At that time, cake was a luxury good, and ordinary people could not easily buy one, but around the 1970s, the custom to eat Christmas cake spread through every home in Japan. Whipped cream and strawberry Christmas cakes are the most popular in Japan today, but there are a variety of other flavors and decorated cakes.
Who to celebrate with
At Christmas time, Japanese people often spend more time with their romantic partner than with their families. So, for Japanese people, Christmas and Valentine’s Day are the two big romantic holidays for lovers.
By the way, it’s the same for children in Japan that Santa Claus brings Christmas presents to good children.
Ending on the 25th night
A happy Christmas will be finished at night on December 25th. The shop displays and Christmas decorations are changed immediately after closing on the 25th, and on the 26th we will enter 100% New Years mode. Of course, the Christmas tree will be put away and the traditional New Years kadomatsu (bamboo decoration) will be brought out.
Summary While incorporating Japanese customs, Christmas has evolved from the original for many years and Japan’s unique Christmas is now fully established. In December, Christmas songs playing throughout the town are not only Western traditional songs and pop music, but also Japanese original Christmas songs. Also in this season, TV and anime will also be broadcasting their Christmas episodes.
If you visit Japan in winter, why not enjoy a unique “Merry Christmas” in Japan?
Do you know what to do in a natural disaster when you’re on vacation?
In a foreign country with unfamiliar customs, culture, and no climate intuition, it can be hard to know what to do in case of trouble. We’re introducing a new app that can help foreign tourists to go safely even in case of emergency.
There are many useful functions in case of a natural disaster.
There are explanations for each type of disaster, as well as what to do when right after an event, so please download it so you can travel with confidence.
You can download the app from the QR code below.
For iPhone For Android
Map Code is a code number system that makes it easy to set the destination when you enter it to the car GPS.
Every place in Japan can be represented by a map code of 6-12 digits.
Example: Tokyo Sky Tree: 742 740 * 81
2. How do you use Map Code Service?
① Please check if your reservation includes map code service.
You can check it in the reservation confirmation email.
If either of the following applies, your booking includes map code service:
· The map code service is included in the ToCoo! options
· You reserved under the ToCoo! Traveler Support Plan
② Please request map code search.
You can request up to 10 map codes per reservation.
Please request a map code search at least 4 days before the rental car start date.
For us to find a map code for you, we need detailed information such as tourist spot name, facility name, address, or phone number. We cannot find map codes with vague information.
Good examples (easy to verify the correct location):
1. Tokyo Sky Tree
1-2 Oshiage Sumida-ku, Tokyo 101-0045 Tokyo
Phone Number 000-0000-0000
Bad examples (impossible to find the map codes):
1. Hokkaido Sapporo City (the area is wide and unspecified)
2. How to get to Kawaguchiko from Tokyo (there are no map codes for routes)
③ After we receive your application, we will find the map codes within about 2 business days and will send them to you by email to the same email address you used to make the rental car reservation.
④ Enter the map code received by email in the car navigation system and start using it.
When you type it in, please include * (asterisk) and spaces.
* Some car navigation systems may not be able to input symbols or spaces. In that case, please try the following methods.
■ Spaces cannot be entered: try putting in only the numbers
■ If * (asterisk) can not be entered: try putting in only the numbers to the left of * (asterisk)
* If you do not know how to use the car navigation system, please check with your rental car outlet when you pick up the car.
3. Important notes
① Since it may take more than two business days to reply to map code search request sent during weekends and holidays, please send us your map code search request as soon as possible.
② Regardless of the rental car usage period, there are only 10 map codes available per reservation.
If you need more than ten map codes, it will cost an additional fee (200 yen per extra map code).
If you have any questions about Map Codes, please do not hesitate to contact us. Inquiry Form
*We will refer to Hokkaido Expressway Pass as HEP and the Kyushu Expressway Pass as KEP from now on.
1. What is the HEP/KEP/Tohoku Expressway Pass?
An Expressway Pass is a flat plan that allows you to use specific toll ways in Japan as much as you like.
HEP is a plan that allows you to use all the expressways in Hokkaido for a fixed price.
KEP is a plan that lets you use some of the Kyushu expressways at a fixed price.
Tohoku Expressway Pass is a plan that lets you use the Tohoku expressways at a fixed price.
* To use an Expressway Pass, you need a special ETC card with your rental car. When you book HEP/KEP/Tohoku Expressway Pass plan with ToCoo! , you do NOT need to rent an ETC card separately. The ETC card provided by the rental car company is included in the plan. You cannot use a ToCoo! ETC card.
2. Availability Period
The usage period must match the rental car usage period.
*It is not possible to use an expressway pass for a period different from that of the rental car.
3. How to use?
① Please check whether or not your reservation includes HEP / KEP / Tohoku Expressway Pass. You can confirm it from the ”Reservation Confirmed mail”.
* If you meet one of the below conditions, your reservation includes HEP/KEP/Tohoku Expressway Pass.
・If “HEP/KEP/Tohoku Expressway Pass” is included in the plan name in your reservation confirmed email
・If “HEP/KEP/Tohoku Expressway Pass” is included in the options under the plan name (not ToCoo! options)
② Please get the ETC card at the rental car outlet.
③ Please pay the fee for HEP/KEP/Tohoku Expressway Pass at the rental car outlet.
*The HEP/KEP/Tohoku Expressway Pass fee is not included in the rental car fee.
Please check here about the amount.
④ Insert the ETC card into the ETC device in the rental car and start using it.
*For details on how to use the ETC card and the pre-equipped ETC card reader device, please check with the rental car outlet.
⑤ Please return the ETC card to the rental car outlet when you return the car.
4. Important notes
*You cannot change the usage period for the HEP/KEP/Tohoku Expressway Pass.
*If you book the HEP/KEP/Tohoku Expressway Pass plan but decide you don’t need it, please cancel and rebook your reservation without the expressway pass. Alternatively, you can opt out by informing the rental car outlet staff when you pick up the car, but please note that some rental car companies may not be able to accept same-day cancellations for expressway passes.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us here: Inquiry Form
New Chitose Airport (International Terminal)
Please check in at the information counter on the first floor. Go out from the arrival gate and proceed left, and go to the first floor with the escalator on the left at the end. When you get to the center, there is an information counter on the right, where the “?” mark is shown below.
Haneda Airport Domestic Terminal 1 (Times, Orix, and Nissan)
Please go to the reception counter in the arrival lobby on the 1st floor. Please use the rental car counter near “Information Desk 3,” where the orange “?” mark is shown in the map below.
Haneda Domestic Airport Terminal 1 (Nippon, Toyota)
Please go to the reception counter in the arrival lobby on the 1st floor. Please use the rental car counter near “Information Desk 5,” where the orange “?” mark is shown in the map below.
Please go to the reception counter in the arrival lobby on the 1st floor. Please use the rental car counter near “Information Desk 3,” where the orange “?” mark is shown in the map below.
After arrival, please go to the 2nd floor information counter in the Access Plaza, where the red “?” mark is shown in the middle of the map below. The information counter hours are from 9:00-18:00.
※If you arrive outside of the business hours, please go directly to the outlet from the 1st floor Access Plaza.
Kansai International Airport (Toyota, Nissan, Orix)
Please go to the reception counter of the rental car company you have reserved (Toyota, Nissan or Orix). The counters are located on the 1st floor of the Aero Plaza. It is shown as “23” on the map below.
※for customers using terminal 1: 3-minute walk from Terminal 1 via the 2F connection passage
※for customers using terminal 2: 7-minute ride from Terminal 2 via free shuttle bus.
Please go to the reception counter of the rental car company you have reserved (Nippon or Times) . The counters are located on the 2st floor of the Aero Plaza. It is shown as “23” on the map below.
※for customers using terminal 1: 3-minute walk from Terminal 1 via the 2F connection passage
※for customers using terminal 2: 7-minute ride from Terminal 2 via free shuttle bus.
After arrival, please go to the rental car counter located on the 1st floor of Arrival Lobby (the Car and Key mark on the map) for the registration to receive transfer service. After completed registration, shuttle service will be provided. Please go to the 3rd floor and go to the shuttle bus stop for rental car, where “Rent-a-car pick up” indicated and has big red arrow pointing on the second map. The staff will transfer you to the rental car outlet.
If there is no staff at the counter, please directly call the outlet.
Toyota: 092-778-0100
Nissan: 092-433-4123 (you can use the phone at the counter)
Times: 092-432-7070 (you can use the phone at the counter)
Nippon: 092-433-0919 / 0120-65-0919 (Toll Free)
Budget: 092-735-8886
Arrival Lobby (1F)
“Rent-a-car pick up” is a Shuttle bus stop area for car-rental customer (3F)
There is no transfer service available. From the domestic terminal south side, it is about 5 minutes on foot. If you are coming from the north arrival gate, it is about 10 minutes on foot.
There is free transfer service available.
After arrival, please call the outlet (092-629-5656) and wait at the meeting spot, the Domestic Terminal North Exit rental car only shuttle area. The staff will pick you up in 5-10 minutes.
Fukuoka Airport Domestic Terminal (Nippon) There are two Nippon outlets, so please be careful.
Nippon Rental Car Fukuoka Airport-Daiichi (1)
There is no transfer service.
3-minute walk from the Arrival Area South. 1-minute walk from the subway exit 4.
Nippon Rental Car Fukuoka Airport-Daini (2)
After arrival, please call the toll-free number 0120-59-0919. Please proceed to the front parking lot near the Arrival Area North. The staff will pick you up at the car rental 「Pick-up & Drop-off zone」.
★Customers arriving at arrivals lobby – North
Exit through exit F and cross at the zebra crossing towards a multi-storey parking lot on the opposite side. Turn left and go straight until you see a parking area for a sightseeing bus. It will have a blue sign-board saying「レンタカー、民間駐車場乗降場」which is our shuttle meeting point. Please call us once you get there. Our courtesy shuttle bus will arrive in approximately 10-15 minutes to pick you up.
Waiting time varies depending on the time of day.
※It is an on demand service so please make sure to call us. ( 092-735-8886)
★Customers arriving at arrivals lobby – South
Exit through exit A and cross at the large zebra crossing in front of you. Once across, turn right and go down the road for about 10 minutes. The branch should be visible under a large board saying 明治のおいしい牛乳.
※To make use of the shuttle service please go to the shuttle meeting point as per above and call us. ( 092-735-8886)
For customers reserved Nissan, Budget, Toyota, Times, Nippon
There is no reception counter in the airport. To receive transfer service to the outlet, please call directly at the information counter.
※For customers using domestic flight:Please come to the Tourism & General Information Office (domestic terminal, 1st floor)
※For customers using international flight:Please come to the General Information Office (International terminal, 1st floor)
Nissan Rent a Car:0995-58-2121
BUDGET Rent A Car:0995-58-3543
TOYOTA Rent a Car:0995-58-2306
Times Car Rental:0995-58-3888
Nippon Rental Car:0995-58-2539
Domestic: Tourism & General Information Office is located at “?” mark on the map below.
International: General Information Office is located at “?” mark on the map below.
There is no reception counter in the airport. To receive transfer service to the outlet, please call directly at the information counter, exit the airport at exit ① (international terminal) shown on the map below, and go ahead 30 meters to the right to the meeting place.
Sky Rent a Car phone number: 0995-58-9330
There is no reception counter in the airport. The rental car company will pick you up from the airport. If you arrive on an international flight, please go to the domestic terminal to the “Rental Car Pickup” place designated on the map below after getting your luggage. Go out of the exit and cross the pedestrian crosswalk.
For customers reserved Nissan, Times, Nippon, Sky Rent a Car, ABC Rent a car, please look for a “11-B” sign and wait there.
For customers reserved Budget or Toyota, please look for a “11-A” sign and wait there.
※For Budget’s customers, after arrival, please contact the outlet before proceeding to the waiting point. (Tel: 098-856-2200)
1. What is Telephone Translator Support?
24-hour Telephone Translator Support can respond to every place and situation in case of trouble or need for help. With this service, you can travel safely and securely in Japan.
Supported languages are Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean.
Telephone Translator Support is not exclusive for rental car situations. It can be used in any situation, as you can see below.
<Questions during shopping>
<When you need an interpreter at a restaurant>
<When you need directions>
*The Telephone Translator Support cannot respond to any inquiries other than for translation purposes.
2. When can I use Telephone Translator Support
The service is available 24/7 if it is within the rental car usage period.
There is no limit on the number of times of use.
3. How to use Telephone Translator Support
① Please check whether or not your reservation includes Telephone Translator Support. You can confirm it from the ToCoo! options section of the Reservation Confirmed mail. If Telephone Translator Support is included in the ToCoo! options, your reservation has the service included.
② Call the dedicated Telephone Translator Support phone number and tell the operator your reference number.
*We will send the phone number and reference number to you by email 1-3 days before your rental car start date.
*The translation service is only for telephone correspondence, so it can’t be used with WiFi phone services such as Line phone, WhatsApp phone, etc.
③ Describe the situation to the operator and tell them what you need translated, then hand the phone to the other party.
④ After finishing with the interpreter, please hang up the phone.
4. Important notes
① Translation service can only be used when you are physically facing the person who you would like to translate. It is not possible to interpret for people who are not with you at the time of the phone call.
② Telephone Translator Support cannot be used as a customer service line. The translators cannot respond to any inquiries about ToCoo services, problems (such as car trouble), or any other negotiations.
③ You can’t use telephone translation service if you don’t have the reference number. If you do not receive an email with the dedicated telephone number and reference number by 1 day before the car rental service begins, please contact us from the following Inquiry Form.
④ Any call charges will be paid by the customer.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us via the Inquiry Form on our website.
Due to the typhoon damage that occurred on September 4, 2018, Osaka’s Kansai International Airport has been temporarily closed. Additionally, New Chitose Airport in Hokkaido has also been put under restrictions due to the damage caused by the earthquake that occurred on September 6, 2018. There are also many rental car outlets which are closed temporarily. If you are preparing to travel soon, please be careful and check the details.
Closed until 10/6. Reopens for business at 8:00 AM on 10/7.
2. New Chitose Airport Status Note: If you already have a reservation during the following closure dates, your rental car reservation will be carried out as usual.
3. Information for those considering cancelling their travel plans
※If you cancel your trip, please cancel your rental car reservation as well.
Cancellation form →
If you can’t cancel your reservation from the website, please contact ToCoo!
<Caution> Although we try to post the latest and accurate information, we do not guarantee its completeness, accuracy, or usefulness. Please check the website of each company for accurate information.
Unlimited use of all of Japan’s expressways for one fixed price, available from 1 day to 30 days maximum!
No need to speak Japanese at toll gates!
Save time by driving through the toll gates without stopping!
The deadline to book the ToCoo! Unlimited ETC Pass is at least 14 days before your desired pickup date, and the maximum usage period is 30 days.
Applicable Areas
If you book the ToCoo! Unlimited ETC Pass, you will have unlimited access to all of Japan’s expressways.
How To Book
The ToCoo! Unlimited ETC Pass can be added onto any plan before booking as long as there are no other ETC options or expressway passes included (not applicable for some reservations).
*You cannot extend the rental period once your reservation has already begun. *We will charge the actual used toll fees as incurred if you use the pass after your reserved rental period or for more than 30 days. *The ToCoo! Unlimited ETC Pass can only be used with the ETC card sent by ToCoo! *You cannot lend the ETC card to a third party. *Any toll fees used by another person would be charged to your registered credit card. *ToCoo! does not bear any responsibility for traffic restrictions set by road administrators. *You can reserve the pass up to 14 days prior to your desired pickup date.
1 day: 10,130 yen 2 days: 11,130 yen 3 days: 13,130 yen 4 days: 16,430 yen 5 days: 18,230 yen 6 days: 19,430 yen 7 days: 20,630 yen 8 days: 22,630 yen 9 days: 24,630 yen 10 days: 26,630 yen 11 days: 28,630 yen 12 days: 30,630 yen 13 days: 32,630 yen 14 days: 34,630 yen 15 days: 36,630 yen 16 days: 38,630 yen 17 days: 40,630 yen 18 days: 42,630 yen 19 days: 44,630 yen 20 days: 46,630 yen 21 days: 48,630 yen 22 days: 50,630 yen 23 days: 52,630 yen 24 days: 54,630 yen 25 days: 56,630 yen 26 days: 58,630 yen 27 days: 60,630 yen 28 days: 62,630 yen 29 days: 64,630 yen 30 days: 66,630 yen
*The ToCoo! Unlimited ETC Pass fee would be charged to the registered credit card as part of the ToCoo! options fee when the reservation is confirmed.