English GPS
The below rental car companies offer English GPS rental.
Nissan[ALL outlets]
Toyota[3 areas]
JR Kyushu[Kyushu]
Times[ALL outlets]
Important Notes:
- Advanced reservation for English GPS is required.
- Requests made upon arrival cannot be accepted, even for the brands listed.
- Brands not listed above do NOT accept any requests for English GPS.
English GPS Example
This is just an EXAMPLE of a GPS with English voice guidance.
You may receive a different type of English GPS.
GPS Screen Guide

- 目的地検索: Search and Set the destination
- 名称50音: Set destination by name of the destination
- 自宅: Set destination to Original Home address
- 登録地: Set destination from the registered locations
- 住所:Set destination by address
- 電話番号:Set destination by phone number
- 周辺施設:Set destination from nearby locations
- 目的地履歴:Set destination to the previous destination
- ルート:Choose the route to the destination
- 情報:Information about nearby locations
- 設定:Screen and GPS settings
- 明るさ:Screen brightness
Important Notes:
This is just an example of a typical type of GPS.